Setting up your viLawPortal profile (IMPORTANT - YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS BELOW)
Setting up your viLawPortal profile (IMPORTANT - YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS BELOW)
Setting up your viLawPortal profile (IMPORTANT - YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS BELOW)

- Login to viLawPortal
- On the left side click on "My Profile"
- Add your personal information. Please make sure to use an e-mail you check constantly
- Add your contact information.
- Add your Law School information. -> You MUST include your foreign law degree as "primary education". You can include your LL.M or any further degrees you have as SECONDARY education.
- You MUST follow the steps below when including your "primary education":
- Select "education type" as PRIMARY
- Select "country" as OTHER/AUTRE (IT IS MANDATORY TO SELECT COUNTRY AS "OTHER". Do not select United Kingdom, Australia, France or United States even if your law degree is from those countries and/or your school name appears on the Law school dropdown menu)
- Select the title you receive through your Law Degree (in your home jurisdiction)
- Select "Law School" as OTHER - INTERNATIONAL (Specify in comments). IT IS MANDATORY TO SELECT LAW SCHOOL AS OTHER - INTERNATIONAL (Specify in comments). Please do not select another law school even if your school appears in the dropdown menu)
- Add the name of your school in the comments
- Add any further details you have about your degree, including honors received.