1. Applications for all Internationally Trained Lawyers (ITLs) and National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) candidates* are due on viLawPortal by July 22, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
*ITLs and NCA applicants include:
2. To participate in ITLNCA OCIs you must:
a) Follow the naming convention below for all documents you submit in viLawPortal, i.e.:
b) Include the following blurb at the end of your Cover Letter:
c) Provide ITLNCA NetworkS with (1) your full name as listed on your resume, (2) phone number, (3) email address, and (4) a list of all the legal employers you applied to. You must submit the above information by completing this form: https://forms.gle/3jLPGfQCaKGziMLZ9 no later than August 21, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
3. Candidates should apply to ANY firms, government offices, and/or legal employers that they are genuinely interested in working with. Candidates should not only apply to the list of firms participating in Ontario ITLNCA OCIs.
NB: Applicants do not need to have their Certificate of Qualification (CQ) to apply for OCIs. Applicants do not need to have their CQ before applying for articling positions, but applicants must receive their CQ before commencing their articling/licensing.
Note: This list will be updated on a rolling basis. You must follow the rules in steps 1 through 3 above to apply to legal employers in viLawPortal, including those that are not in the legal employers list above.
Note for Employers: The deadline to send your list of candidates and scheduling preference to oci@itln.ca for Ontario is August 23, 2024. Please advise us directly if you are unable to make this timeline.
If you have any questions about the LSO Policies, please contact the Law Society at articling@lso.ca.
If you are an Ontario legal employer interested in learning more information about our OCI initiative or participating in ITLNCA OCIs, please contact the ITLNCA NetworkS’ OCI Committee at oci@itln.ca